AMS Advanced Air Mobility Sensors UG
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Runtime view

BAHRS software activity diagram

FreeRTOS tasks

Task scheduling and interactions

Signal chain: BAHRS Filter 1

Sequence diagram: BAHRS Filter 1 signal chain

Signal chain: BAHRS Filters 2 and 3

The diagram below shows relevant task interactions for BAHRS Filters 2 and 3.

  • For the BAHRS filter 2: assume X=1, Y=2
  • For the BAHRS filter 3: assume X=2, Y=3
Sequence diagram: signal chain of the BAHRS Filters 2 and 3

Internal behavior of tasks

Cyclic task (5ms interval)

Activity diagram: 5ms task

Cyclic task (10ms interval)

Activity diagram: 10ms task

Software components

Internal behavior of IMU monitor SWC

Activity diagram of the CImuMonitorSwc::Run() method.

Internal behavior of Barometer monitor SWC

Activity diagram of the CBaroMonitorSwc::Run() method.

Internal behavior of Vertical channel monitor SWC

Activity diagram of the CVerticalChannelMonitorSwc::Run() method.

behavior of Attitude monitor SWC

Activity diagram of the CAttitudeMonitorSwc::Run() method.

FDI activity for an arbitrary scalar signal